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What a fun-filled weekend.

 Sunday, March 14, 2010

We spent all weekend outside doing yardwork.  This has been the first weekend we have been able to work on our yard since we moved in 6 months ago.  Yes, it has been 6 months.  Holy Cow!  Really?  6 months.  Wow.  That went by quick.  I hope I am able to get more done in the next 6 months than I did in the last 6 months.  Wishful thinking, huh?

We got so much done outside this weeeknd, but have so much more to do.  Lawn got a good weeding.  Boy oh boy did it ever need it.  And was that ever a lot of work.  I only got to the front and filled up a giant trash can full of weeds.  It is a work in progress, but looks much better.

So many weeds.  So little time.

Got the lawn mowed.  And it didn't take much time at all.  The perk of having a small yard.  Yah!  Much less time than at our old house.  That I am thankful for.  And I trimmed the bushes in the front yard and the trees.  I tend to get a little crazy with the scissors and whack a little too much off.  I did this while Chris went to Home Depot.  This was his response when he seen my handy work...

No really, he said I did a good job.  Even I was impressed that I didn't hack them down too far.  He warned me.  And I knew better this time around.  

We got the soil mixed for our garden boxes.  We are doing Square Foot Gardening again this year.  Last year was our trial year, this year we are for real.  I am determined to grow lots of wonderful veggies this year.  The soil mix is a lot f work itself to get it all mixed properly to put in the boxes.

Here are a few of the bags to make the special mix of assorted organic composts, peat moss, and vermiculite.

 Connor working hard.  

Chris working harder.

Jenn working hardest.

That is hard to believe with the amount of pictures I took this weekend, huh?  I can't fool anybody.  But I can sure try.  My fingers hurt.  My feet hurt.  My back hurts.  My body aches.  I can't figure out why anybody would need a gym membership when there is yard work to be done.  There is no better work-out.

It was so nice out today, we got out the water table.  Connor loves it and it had been a life saver for me in entertaining Connor for hours and hours in the past.  He was just excited as ever to play with it.  And it has a new fan: Dylan.  He was thrilled to be able to splash and play with dinos and sharks in the water.

Dylan was so happy to be outside.  

His hair may get even crazier outside.

Dylan has the most serious facial expressions.

But sometimes he just lets loose.

But quickly turns serious again.

Get him on the slide and he is all smiles.

 So much fun.

He is loving life.


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