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Lost count...

 Monday, March 8, 2010

I have lost count of the number of days I have been sugar free.  And I don't even know how many more days I have to go.  I guess that is a good thing.  I am thinking maybe close to half way there.  Maybe 20 days?  Anyways, the last 3 weekends, Chris has been nice enough to take us to Jamba Juice for some delicious all fruit smoothies.  Yum!  They are so good and it is a very special treat, since there is not one close by.  And super nice of him not to get Starbucks, which I know he wants. 

I have to confess that I already bought something to indulge in on Easter: turtle carmel fudge!  They were doing a special event at Costco this weekend and sampling it.  I made Chris try it and he said it was good, that is all I needed to hear, I was sold.  I am so excited. 

The hardest thing is still finding things to eat.  I have found that chiabiatta bread does not contain sugar, so that has been my favorite for the past week!  We went and had fish & chips on Friday, which was my first time eating out since starting this no sugar thing.  It was kind of hard.  There was not a drink I could have, so water it was.  I expected that.  The cod was pretty good, although I couldn't dip it into tarter sauce, because it had sugar, same with the shrimp, no cocktail sauce.  And I ate the fries ketchup.  But it wasn't that bad. And, I found  a sauce that does not have sugar.  It very well may be the only one available!  I found it at Target, it is called Fiery Jamaican Jerk Marinade by Archer Farms.  Yes, I know it is called marinade, but I have used marinades as sauces in the past, so why not now?!?  It is spicy and flavorful and really good.  I was so excited to find it.  If anyone knows of any other sauces that do not have sugar in them, please let me know.  You will be my new best friend.  Seriously.  I want need sauce.  Just kidding.  But, really I do!

Coffee.  That has been pretty hard.  I don't drink coffee for the caffeine, often I drink decaf since I gave that up starting when I was pregnant with Connor and the same with Dylan onto now and all through the nursing years (currently still) as well.  I definitely 100% do it for the sugar!  And the sheer pleasure of drinking a nice hot cup of coffee early in the morning.  It is about the ritual...fresh ground beans, getting the coffee mug, filling it will sugar, then half & half, then coffee so it is a nice pale color and super sweet.  Oh yummy!  I have attempted my morning brew with just the cream and it is not good.  I just couldn't do it.  I have moved onto tea, which is usually my evening drink.  It just isn't the same. 

And just for is what we saw on Saturday:

An. amphibious car.  (This wasn't the exact car/boat, this is just a stock photo I found here.)  We were on our way home and saw this on the lake as we were crossing the biridge.  It was pretty cool.  It was something I have never seen before.


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