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Home Sweet Home!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Connor loves the truck full of flowers from Grandpa-they smell pretty.
Looks so little in his bouncer.
Just sleeping...
Still sleeping.
A couple more pictures of baby Dylan!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Welcome baby Dylan!
Length: 20 1/2 inches
Weight: 5 pounds 15 ounces
He had an interesting arrival, more on that later.
Mom and Dylan are doing great! Everyone is healthy and happy. We will post some more pictures when we have them.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Boys' Room is finally ready!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Wish Lists!
So, as we have been busy cleaning and getting everything ready, yes, Chris included, we have been talking about our wish lists and how different they are...
-New car
-New dishwasher
-Vacuum cleaner
-New camera lens
-Carpet steam cleaner
-Food processor
-Double jogger
-HD antenna (not sure why-he doesn't get to watch much tv)
-New desktop computer for "school" (which I have said no for the last 2 years, at least)
Hmmm...the lists are quite different, aren't they? Anyways, we have laughed quite a bit about this all weekend! I seem to have the long expensive list, but most of mine are house and kitchen related...
9 More Days!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
And the countdown is finally in the single digits....I can't believe it! Now, I think back and can't figure out where the time has gone?!? We are super excited to meet this little guy, but I think Chris & I are both a bit nervous now. Will we remember what to do with a newborn? Are we ready (more so me) for ALL the middle of the night feedings? Diaper changes? And everything else? Oh my!
Well, although the due date is the 30th, my hope would be next Wednesday or Thursday. Just not this weekend, we have a lot left to do...43 things to be exact, according to the weekend to-do list! YIKES! Sounds like a busy weekend. I have Chris working hard on the list as we speak...he is upstairs resealing the shower, he headed upstairs a bit ago with a beer. And the good news is, I hear him working hard! I cleaned out the playroom today, got all the windows cleaned downstairs. Our big projects are upstairs this weekend-all the bedrooms, the office, bathrooms, and my major goal is to get the boys room completed and take some pictures! So, hopefully by Sunday, I will have some pictures posted of it-I think it will be super cute, Connor loves it so far.
Oh ya, and I think I should problably pack my bag for the hospital...just in case.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day! We had wonderful weather here again was about 80 degrees! So, of course, we spent some time playing outside-Connor just loves to get out the water toys! And the fresh air is awesome!
I would have liked to bake some cookies or do something fun for St. Patrick's Day, but never got around to it. At least we all wore our green!
Productive Weekend!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Well, this weekend proved to be fairly productive! Chris got a lot done, anyways. He fixed the car-just some maintence on it, unlike last weekend when we thought something major was wrong with it. He is determined to keep this one running well and looking pretty so he can't justify buying another one. (Me, on the other hand, I am slowly breaking him down). I caught him actually cleaning everything under the hood...I think he caught the "nesting" bug! He replaced all the smoke detectors, put together some baby stuff and a stool, replaced the light switches in the boys' room, put up the mirror & baby monitor, and worked on the compost (it needs some love), among some other random things.
Me, on the other hand, only got some random things done-I got the laundry room all cleaned and organized, cleaned the oven (it only took me a full day to do), cleaned out the fridge, coat closet, sterlized all the baby stuff and re-arranged a cupboard to put it all in. Not all these things were on my list, but apparently I find it important to have a clean oven, laundry room, and coat least I realize I am being a little wierd and obsessive! Even though our house looks like a tornado has gone through fridge and oven are spotless as is my laundry room....for the moment anyways! I didn't get to even think about any of my craft or sewing projects-so, this baby has to wait a little longer!
Tomorrow is supposed to be 67 and Tuesday should be 74! WOW! If so, we will spend a lot of time outside-maybe I will be able to get my garden plans underway and even some seeds started...that is the plan anyways! Tomorrow I got back to the doctor, the contractions haven't started yet tonight-yippeee! Seems like this kiddo is cooperating.
Sprinkles for breakfast?!?
18 more days!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Well, we are getting closer & closer to meeting this little boy! As excited as we are, he needs to wait! We still have A LOT to get done before the end of the month! And family won't be here to help until the 24th. I had another doctor appointment today...everything looks good! My doctor just laughs at me because I am not begging to get this kid out! LOL. Chris & Connor both went along today & got to hear the heartbeat-it had been a long time since Chris got to hear it. I still feel tired after doing too much (you would think I would learn) and have had contractions every night for the past week and a half, but just random and not painful, and luckily they go away. But it is so weird feeling because I didn't feel any of that with Connor.
And, at last, Chris has a little break from school-so he now has a lengthy "honey-do" list of his own :) So, tonight we are up late watching the Cougar basketball game and cleaning and organizing and painting boxes! So, I guess Cougar basketball is helping us complete our list...we have another late night tomorrow night! So, I am looking forward to getting lots more done, fingers crossed!
This crazy weather! Yesterday it was 80 degrees and I was wearing a tank top as we went on a walk, today it was 30 degrees! I am ready for Spring!
Trade me in???
Friday, March 6, 2009
Good Thing He is Cute!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
1. Slamming the cupboards.
2. Not wanting to wash hands after using the potty.
3. Slamming the cupboards.
4. Toy drill taken away for throwing it.
5. Dropping books and telling me "NO" he won't put them away.
6. Not wanting to get dressed.
7. Shutting the door on me.
8. Pushing.
9. Throwing my cookbook off the counter.
10. Took picture book away because ripping out the pages.
11. Unrolling the toilet paper.
12. Not listening when outside on a walk.
13. Not listening.
14. Ripping the Kleenex while going potty.
15. Playing rough with fridge magnets.
16. Grabbing stuff off counter.
17. Not listening.
Do we have anger-mangement problems??? We were trying out the "Love & Logic" style of parenting for awhile, but then Connor stopped responding to it. I think I have to constantly be reading the book in order to remember to do! But you can only give so many options in a day!
Connor has perfected how to push my buttons. I try to ignore all these things, but wow! And I wonder what he will be like when the baby comes....I try not to think about that!