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Dylan is 3 months old!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Dylan is 3 months old today! How quickly these 3 months have gone by. But at the same time, I can't even remember what it was like without him. He remains to be such a good & happy baby! He smiles all the time now and will even laugh on occassion. The other night he woke up to eat around 2 am and was laughing and playing, I was enjoying this, so I had to wake up Chris-I don't think he was as thrilled as I was.
It is obvious he is a good little eater, he is really getting big! He is growing out of SO many of his clothes, it makes me sad. And just yesterday he started rolling over. He thinks this is his new trick. He truly is a happy baby. One day this week he was fussy & crying-I was beginning to think something was wrong with him, as he had never cried that much (he very rarely cries), but he finally took a nap, then he woke up happy as can be. Then slept ALL night that night-AMAZING! However, I do consider 5am all night, since that is what time I get up :) And that has been the last 2 nights!!! Plus, he is sleeping in his crib!
Chris' Birthday
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I remembered why I hate baking cakes:
1. It takes too long.
2. You can't even taste it before you serve it-it is way too noticable if you do.
3. You have to wait to eat it along with everyone else.
4. There is no such thing as a small cake & I won't want it to go to waste, so I will end up eating it.
5. Decorating it takes way too much patience.
But, what seemed like 5 sticks of butter later, we had a yummy chocolate cake with chocolate frosting that we all enjoyed. Oh yes, and I couldn't find a buttercream frosting recipe that I liked, so I decided to make up my own-needless to say it turned out very tasty. I was impressed. Read more...
Happy Birthday Chris!
Happy 29th Birthday Daddy!
We love you ---------------------------THIS MUCH--------------------------