Happy Birthday to Connor! We made it through two days of birthday celebration! Connor had a blast! On Friday (his actual birthday) we woke Connor up early so Daddy could wish him a Happy Birthday before leaving for work & Connor was thrilled to see his balloons and cars we had waiting for him downstairs that morning. Connor & I went to Olive Garden (again without Daddy) for lunch-very yummy! Connor was also excited to wear his 'birthday train tee". He opened up his birthday gifts from family & friends who weren't able to make it to the party-he had a blast with all the fun gifts. He had been waiting so patiently to open all those gifts & he enjoyed all of them. Then today (his party day) he was excited to wear his monkey birthday tee and thrilled to have his friends over to play...all the kids did a great job sharing and playing together-it was amazing! They had fun playing with playdough, playing in the swimming pool of balls, and just playing! Connor loved the cupcakes and was so excited that everyone was singing Happy Birthday to him, he felt very special. He had so much fun opening all the great gifts from our wonderful friends. His two day birthday celebration was lots of fun, but we are all very tired! And we still can't believe he is really TWO!
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