Our Valentine's Day breakfast of cinnamon rolls, heart shaped pancakes & toast, fruit, and of course Starbucks!
Connor enjoyed the heart shapes.
The Valentine's Day quilt is finally finished! I did finish it Friday afternoon, so I made the Valentine's deadline :) It turned out cute, now I just need to learn how to quilt the "correct" way!
Connor loves to push his animals around in his new little play baby stroller, still wants nothing to do with his baby. Oh well, it was worth a try!
The is what cupid left for Connor-balloons and a basket full of treats!
Cupid must know he loves Madagascar 2, Penguins, coloring books, stickers, and all kinds of animals :)
To help learn body parts, we give Connor a sticker and tell him which body part to stick it on...looks like he knows them :)
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