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 Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The weather has been awesome here-between 70-85, which is perfect! Friday night we even had a nice thunder storm roll through, which we all sat and watched out the window-very entertaining!

We had a birthday party this weekend-Jackson turned 1! I love first birthday celebrations-so fun! I can't believe he is already 1! Which also means it has almost been a year since we have been back in St. Louis-how quickly the times flies.


Garden: It is official...we are not cut out for starting plants from seeds! We attempted it for the first time & pretty sure we failed! We shall see. They sprouted up great, but haven't really grown much. So, instead of transplanting the tiny plants outside to our garden, we bought a few tomato, pepper, and cucumber plants. So our garden outside has everything planted! Let's hope it does well! Connor enjoys helping me water everyday & Dylan comes along for the ride :) I don't think Connor has realized he could spray Mommy with the hose if he wanted, I am waiting for the day he realizes that. We have had a few straberries, but the birds have gotten to them first-so we bought some netting to keep them out.

Spring cleaning: no updates, it has been non-existent. I can barely keep up with the laundry & dishes, what was I thinking I could begin spring cleaning?!?

Connor: still way too into dinosaurs, it is starting to drive me crazy! He enjoying being able to play outside lots & we have managed to go on several walks. He enjoys taking bread to feed the ducks (sometimes their are ducks to feed, sometimes just turtles & fish), but he loves eating the bread-he thinks it is hilarious! Crazy kid!

Dylan: growing, getting chubby! Still such a happy baby. IS still tolerating all the LOVE from his big brother, which is pretty amazing. He enjoys all our walks too-he loves the fresh air. His smiles are so cute!

New recipes: I have been doing well on trying new recipes (at least 1 a week), which part of my New Year's resolution. At least I have kept up with that :-) Lately, I have made a honey, lime, and soy sauce marinade for chicken, which has been really good. And cinnamon rolls-very tasty. Oh yes, and a shredded pork in the crockpot. Those have been the highlights.

Invention Mondays: every Monday I am going to come up with a new activity/game/thing to build/make/play. This monday we 'built' a ramp. We didn't really build one, but Connor was thrilled with the phrase, so I went with it. It was just a piece of molding (we had in the garage) and set it an an incline outisde and raced cars down it. Connor was thrilled by it & it entertained him for hours. He he brought the neighbor kids over to play show it off & they were impressed too. So, that is going to be our new thing for Mondays-since Monday is such a hard day with Chris going back to work after the weekend.

I will have some new pictures soon.


Amy May 20, 2009 at 12:47 PM  

I had to buy starts too. Even my squash seeds did not do well. I planted seeds directly in the garden too, so we'll see how those go.

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