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Adorable Boys...

 Friday, May 15, 2009

Well, I made the attempt to start spring cleaning, that is half the battle right? I am lacking the motivation, but I am convinced I have the right intentions. I am going off of the spring cleaning 10 day guide at SimpleMom. She has some great ideas-day one was supposed to be going through the entire house and getting rid of stuff you don't love or use as well as cleaning/organizing all surfaces.

So, this is how my progress went on day one: I started off the morning great, I was able to organize the vanity in our bathroom, not spotless, but not cluttered. I started laundry (diaper day), then got distracted with washing towels, boys clothes, our clothes, etc. Then in an attempt to go throuogh the boys clothes, fold them all, and put them away-I aquired a VERY big helper. Connor learned to fold clothes. So I took out his drawer so he could put them away in the correct place. You can see what a great job he did :) He was concentrating so hard while folding, then showed me, asking for my approval. It was so sweet. I couldn't bring myself to 'fix' them and fold them correctly-he was just so proud of himself. It sure looks like Daddy is the one who taught him how to fold, but pretty sure it wasn't :-)

Then, once he got bored of folding, he decided to pile the clothes on top of Dylan. What a wonderful and patient little brother he is. But notice, they are all dinosaur clothes-both Connor's & Dylan's. At least he is practicing his sorting skills. Dylan almost looked like he enjoyed it!

Dylan loves to hang out on Connor's bed while we fold clothes. So cute!

Connor was so proud of sorting his clothes and piling them on Dylan. Connor thinks Dylan likes dinosaurs as much as him. They are both so funny!

Adorable! I love that gummy little grin! Dylan has been smiling like crazy the last couple of days. And I finally got a few pictures of it. Those first smiles are the absolute best!

Connor decided that Dylan was feeling left out anytime the phone rang-what a great Big Brother, looking out for his Little Brother. Not sure who he is supposed to be talking to, but Connor felt like he should be talking to somone and Dylan didn't seem to mind.

So, obviously my spring cleaning hasn't been a success so far. Then last night I started going through our clothes changing out winter & summer clothes and putting away all my maternity clothes-didn't get very far on this either. We made a much bigger mess than we started with in the bedrooms & that wasn't even a part of the assignment. No wonder I don't get anything done, I get so easily distracted. And I spend most of the time taking pictures of them-they were just too cute to miss out on those opportunities. The big accomplishment of the day was getting the lawn mowed. And least something got completed.


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